Positivity Journal

Why do you need this? 

Sometimes in life, we need to lift ourselves up. Sometimes, we find ourselves having a string of bad days, or days where you feel uninspired, anxious and depressed. It is easy to give into that feeling, to let the pain and the sadness wash over you, it is easy to give in and eventually give up. But doing the easy thing, isnt the right thing. Sometimes, you need to fight for your basic happiness. Sometimes, it is the only thing that's worth fighting for. So, here is something that will help you get out of the funk. To get out of the rut - A positivity journal. 

What is this and How should I do it?

It's just a notebook where you need to write down 3 things per day. 

Section 1: 

"What were the good parts of today?".
It could be something that made you smile, a phone call from a friend, spending time with family, looking at flowers, playing a sport you like, dancing to a favourite song, anything.

When you look back at your day, and search for that little thing that bought you postivity, you will understand that there is always something , no matter how little, that bought about a positive difference to your day. 

Don't force it though. Some days might just be really bad, and that is ok too. This journal is to help you train your brain to find the little joys, and also to help you accept that once in a while, a totally bad day might occur. 

Section 2:

"If something went wrong today and What is it?" 

If you think something went wrong today, write it out in this section. What negative experience (if any) did you have today?

Section 3:

"Can I do something about the negative situation?"
If something went wrong, there are two possibilities. One is that you can change something, and the other is that the situation is out of your control.
IF there is something you can change about it, no matter how hard it might seem, take an effort to make the change.
If it was out of your control, learn to let it go. 
This is something that I personally struggle with. I hate not being in control, and when there are things that affect me, but I'm in no position to control it, I don't like that feeling at all. 

But, it is not healthy to try and control everything. I know it is easy to preach but hard to follow. Trust me, I know.
But, sometimes, it is not good to try and control every situation. We need to learn to go with the flow too. 

So for this simple exercise, all you need is a book and a pen. If that seems a little too much, then you can just makes notes in your smart phone too. Whatever works for you is fine. But doing this, will help your mental health a lot.
Train your brain to look at the positives and celebrate them, and face the negatives and deal with it in a healthy way.

If you take up this challenge and do it for two months, you will find your mentally shifting. 

Starting today, I'm going to be taking up this challenge and I hope you will too!


*Wallpaper made with www.canva.com*


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