Words from the not-so-wise - Part 1: What's wrong with our generation?
New blog series

Hey guys,
Sorry for being MIA for a while, but I'm baaaaack! I've really missed blogging and creating content! Writing has, is, and always will be my solace and happy place. So, it feels good to be back :)
I'm starting a series called "Words from the not-so-wise". I am someone who has a million thoughts a minute.. Some deep, some hysterical and some just silly. So, I just wanted to start a blog series to just randomly discuss such thoughts with you all, my internet family. With that being said, let's get right into this week's topic: What is wrong with our generation?

When I say "our generation" I mean the ones currently in their 20's and early 30's. If you're someone this age, then you've probable heard some aunty or uncle, or your parents say "this generation is so spoilt", or "the kids of this generation get so upset so easily" and so on..
Is our generation so fragile? Are we truly spoilt? Is there something really wrong with us?
Every generation goes through their own issues, and with that comes growth. With our grandparents, they had to struggle extremely hard to provide basic needs to their families...which is why our parents were able to get a good education. Our parents hail from a generation where education might have been commonplace, but quality of life was not something that they necessarily grew up with...which is why they made sure our generation has a good education as well as a good quality of life. And now, coming to us.. Why is it that we are tagged the "weaker ones", or the tagged as the ones who glorify anxiety and depression?
The thing is, every generation brings something new to the table.. and according to me, our generation is bringing about a very important change.. a change that does not have to do anything with how much you earn, or where you live, but only on what you think. Our generation is making waves with changing people's mentality..our generation is bringing about a mental revolution.

With the world being accessible thanks to the internet, and everyone's voices being heard thanks to social media; our generation is slowly but surely marking the beginning of an era. While our ancestors pushed and suppressed feelings, we are openly talking about them. While our predecessors didn't publicly discuss political views (let alone challenge them) we are not afraid to voice out our views even if it meant going against the crowd. While our superiors did not voice out their opinions against discrimination - be it racial, gender-specific, sexual orientation-specific or caste based, we openly discuss and fight it.

These things might not seem like a big deal, while viewed individually. But when you see the cumulative impact of it, you'll notice that the whole world is taking a turn for the better. The bully is no longer glorified, discrimination is not longer tolerated, and yes the process might be messy and yes we might be tagged as the generation that "goes and rants in twitter", but hey all good revolutions start with someone finally deciding that they've had enough and start ranting. When one person does it, it might be termed as a compliant...but when millions of people are talking about something it is no longer a compliant but the sparks of revolution, the harbinger of change.
So, talk about things that irritate you, talk about things that you see in the world that bothers you. Because talking leads to conversations and conversations leads to ideas.
If we want the world to change, to become more accepting, to become less aggressive, it is ok for us to voice out our opinions, it is ok to ruffle feathers of the powerful. It is ok to express yourself.

There is nothing wrong with this generation, we are not weaker or have less endurance... we are just more vocal about things that are considered taboo...But only if we challenge the system will we be able to change it. And change is the force of nature and the way of nature.
Well, that's just my two-cents on this topic.
Keep reading this space for more in the future!
Have any thoughts on this? Let me know in the comments below!
Wow. Your words are so powerful and true. We indeed are making a mental revolution. Let's keep working harder to seed in only a constructive attitude everywhere. So, proud of you! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat. Trying to elucidate the views and thoughts of our generation. Happy to see my classmate's blog. Keep going :)
ReplyDeleteNicely worded out the facts! Absolutely right! Happy to see your blogs on various relevant aspects...