The Importance of 'Me' Time

I was discussing with a friend the other day, about the differences of being alone and feeling lonely. Many a times, often when we were younger, say in high school or early years of university, most of us felt the social pressures of having a big group of friends, of fitting in.... Being alone, at that age used to make us feel like a social burn out. As we grow though, we yearn for that alone time. I'm going to go as far as saying that we NEED quality alone time.  Why is this?

Adulthood isn't easy, don't ever delude yourself into thinking it is. In between balancing study, work, paying the bills, taking care of your house, spending time with your family, and having a social life, we often forget to spend time with ourselves. 

It is important to take time for yourself. -Why so?

- To introspect and internally analyse how your life is proceeding

What is going good? What is going bad? How to deal with things and so on. Of course, getting advice and useful inputs from your friends and family is great, but you also need to analyse and decide things first hand. Talk to yourself. No one else will know how you're feeling, how things are going in your life and the problems you face, the happiness you feel, so no one can be a better friend to you than yourself.

-To feel better.

If you have a bad day, or a bad experience, or ran into some negativity, the best thing to do is to talk to yourself and remind yourself that you can handle it and to teach yourself to become stronger. 

-To have fun.

As much as it's great to hang out with our friends, it is equally important to spend time with yourself and enjoy. Watch a movie, or read a book, do anything you like doing. 

-To pamper yourself. 

It's important to spend time in things that will help you feel better, mentally and physically. Workout, skincare, meditation, all that is very very important and it's something that we often neglect. This is something that I'm guilty of doing. I keep promising myself that I will devote time to this, but I always end up forgetting it or something else crops up. But maybe writing it down now will give me a bigger motivation to practice it. And hopefully, it motivates you to spend time take care of yourself.

When you spend honest time with yourself, you'll understand your strengths and weaknesses more. You'll be able to know yourself better. There are so many days where I've felt off and upset and I used to do my best to stay in denial. In fact, even now, my first instinct in a stressful or upsetting personal situation is to be in denial. And I used to think not talking about a problem, even to my own self, will make the issue go away. But now I've realised that just talking to myself helps me so much! And if you are also like me, and usually tend to be in denial, please stop doing that and just have honest conversations with yourself, and you'll find you are stronger than you ever imagined.

There's another thing that you'll learn once you start spending quality 'me time'. That the more you do it, the more you'll not get affected by others. You'll start realising that no matter what, you've always got one person who will have your back and protect you- and that person is you. So the more and more you start depending on yourself, you'll be less affected by people around you and you'll be able to be content in your own space. Other people will become an additive in your life and they will still be significant, but you and your mental health will not be as affected by the actions and words of others. You'll be more equipped to be able to handle things in a better fashion, be it professionally or personally.

So go ahead, and go spend some quality time with your best friend-you. 💕

