
and how is it related to Mental Health?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn't come with just trying to have a healthy mindset. A healthy lifestyle comprises of both having a healthy body and a healthy mind. And a healthy mind and body are not two independent things, but rather are interdependent.

Having a healthy body doesn't mean you have to have a flawless one. It just means you have to put in active efforts to become fit and strong. And a lot of us have problems when it comes to trying and sticking to a workout regime, or if you're like me, even starting out is a huge burden. If I had a dollar for every time I  made a promise to myself that I'll start working out, and then completely forget to workout after two days, I'd have a lot of dollars by now.
So with this post, I'm officially putting my promise to become healthy out in the open. And usually, when I write about something, I try my best to stick to it.

Why do we need to workout to maintain a healthy mind? What is the connection?

- When you work out, be it any form of workout, you loose a lot of negative energy. After an exhausting workout, you feel tired, but you also feel a sense of satisfaction and a loss of built up tension and stress as well.
- You feel more confident. It is true that you dont need to have a chiseled body to feel confident. But working out, will boost up your confidence level, and honestly who doesn't like that.
- You developed a more disciplined lifestyle. Sticking to a certain schedule and working out will make your more disciplined.  It will give you a lot of patience as well.
- No Pain, No Gain. You'll learn to work harder, in general. Once you start seeing visible results of your workout, you'll truly understand that nothing comes easy. And that hard work, always has good results.

How to develop a proper workout regime?

I've learnt that for having an effective workout, trying to stick to one thing, is not my thing. So, from now, I'm going to try and mix up the different types of things that I going for a jog in the open, pilates, dance, and yoga.
So try to switch up your workout and make it more personal. Do what excites you. It should be something you look forward to do, not eager to be done with.

Also, I'm the kind of person that might workout once in a while, but then eats junk food like its my main diet. So I'm trying to cut back on the oil, rice, chips etc. Make sure you have a proper diet to go with your workout plan. A diet doesn't mean you stop eating, it just means you eat more healthy.
Set yourself a goal, and a reward for when you achieve it. This way, you'll feel more motivated to reach your goal.
Maintain a workout and diet chart, and enter in it what you ate and what workout you did, on a daily basis. This will make you feel guilty on the days you skip your workout, and it will help you stay on track.

So let's try our best to focus on being physically and mentally healthy.



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